Synchronizer for SuperOffice is also available for SuperOffice CRM Onsite. There are some requirements the environment must meet and also there are additional configuration steps needed for the SuperOffice environment and Synchronizer for SuperOffice.
Synchronizer for SuperOffice will still be running in the cloud but will connect to your local SuperOffice CRM environment via the publicly exposed SuperOffice NetServer in your SuperOffice setup.
The following requirements are additional to the main requirements if Synchronizer for SuperOffice is used in combination with SuperOffice CRM Onsite.
- SuperOffice CRM Onsite 9.x and higher
- SuperOffice System User
- SuperOffice NetServer needs to be accessible from the internet through HTTPS
Travel needs to be enabled for the Synchronizer to work. If you have used the onsite synchronizer (Exchange Online Synchronizer) before, this should be the case.
If you want to check if Travel is enabled on the database run the following SQL query:
select * from [CRM].[USERPREFERENCE] where prefkey = ‘EnableTravel’
(Replace CRM with the corresponding prefix for the database)
The result of this query should be:

If the query does not give the above record, follow the procedure on this page to insert this record in the SuperOffice database.
UPN (Microsoft 365)
When using Synchronizer for SuperOffice with SuperOffice Onsite, it is necessary that the UPN (userPrincipalName) matches the primary e-mail address. Which is also what Microsoft recommends as best practice.
When the UPN does not match the primary e-mail address, a syncuser will receive below error when trying to activate the Calendar Synchronization:

Microsoft Exchange
Microsoft Exchange On-premise is not supported when using Synchronizer for SuperOffice with SuperOffice Onsite.
1. Subscription
A subscription is required to use Synchronizer for SuperOffice. For a subscription, please reach out to your SuperOffice contact or partner.
2. Request a Synchronizer account to access the Synchronizer portal
SuperOffice Onsite does not support SuperID, the SuperOffice sign-in service. Therefore, the Log in with SuperOffice button will not link to your SuperOffice Onsite installation. The button Log in with Password is the alternative here. It will not connect you automatically to your local SuperOffice installation, but it will provide access to the Synchronizer portal. From there you can connect to your local SuperOffice installation.
However, before you can use this button to log in to the Synchronizer portal, you need to have an account. For security reasons, such an account has to be requested. You, or a SuperOffice consultant, need to fill out this form, so we can set up the environment for you.
3. SuperOffice API
Synchronizer for SuperOffice needs to connect to your locally hosted SuperOffice installation. Therefore, the SuperOffice Web API needs to be exposed and accessible by our cloud platform.
In the current SuperOffice installations, the Web API is switched on by default and may not need to be configured.
Security based on filtering IP addresses is possible. The IP address used by Synchronizer can be found here.
If all is set up correctly you should be able to ‘contact’ the Web API by visiting this URL, where you replace the obvious part with your (sub)domain.
- https://<your_SuperOffice_url>/api

Do not include the /api part when filling in the SuperOffice Web API URL in the Synchronizer profile. This URL should only be the SuperOffice Sales and Marketing URL: https://<your_SuperOffice_url>
3. Create a synchronization profile
When you sign in to the Synchronizer portal, a license warning will be shown because the local SuperOffice installation is not yet connected and the serial number has not been validated.

In order to validate the serial number, you have to create a synchronization profile by using these instructions.
After completing the steps to create the synchronization profile, your Synchronizer license will be retrieved. This can take up to 24 hours.