Splits the value of the selected field into two or more parts and returns the selected part(s) in the output.

This example shows how a date time value is split so that only the date part is in the output.
Field – Select the field from the source that will be split
Output field name – The name of the newly added field.
Separator – What character (or combination of characters) determines where to split the value? Special characters are supported in this format.
Segments from – If a value has more than once the Separator value, which part of the split value should be returned? This determines the first part.
To – This determines the last part. If only one part needs to be returned, then the To value is the same as the Segments from value.
Return | Segment from | Segment to |
First part only | 0 | 0 |
First three parts | 0 | 2 |
Last three parts | -3 | -1 |
First part to next to last part | 0 | -2 |
Second part to last part | 1 | -1 |
Last part only | -1 | -1 |
Ignore field if not splittable – Should the output be left blank if the field does not contain the separator?
Notes – Optional description to describe the reason this transformation is added. Convenient for later reference.
Non-printing characters
In case the source contains non-printing characters that need to be replaced or the source values need to be edited with non-printing characters, then this transformation supports such scenario’s.
For example, if the source field contains a multiple line summary like below, the Split field transformation helps to split all lines into separate fields so they can be further processed by importing them into the destination, exporting them to a file or database or to use the fields in another transformation.
Product color: white [newline]
Product color code: FFF [newline]
Product group: textiles [newline]
Product price group: basic
Use the [:newline:]
syntax as separator in four separate Split field transformations. Each of the four transformations have a different configuration for Segments from and To, to get resp. segment 1, 2, 3 and 4.