Replaces the value or a part of the value of the selected field with a new value.

In this example the product edition US edition is replaced with USA edition before the value is imported in the destination.
Field – Select the field from the source.
Output field name – The name of the newly added field.
Find what – The value to match in the input field. Non-printing characters are supported in this format.
Replace with – The value to replace the Find what value with. Non-printing characters are supported in this format.
Case-sensitive – If checked, the match is case-sensitive and the specified value must be exactly the same as the Find what value.
Notes – Optional description to describe the reason this transformation is added. Convenient for later reference.
Non-printing characters
In case the source contains non-printing characters that need to be replaced or the source values need to be edited with non-printing characters, then this transformation supports such scenario’s.

In this example the product name has its name and the optional edition information -which is always between curly brackets- on one line. In the output the product name should be on the first line and the edition information should be on the second line. This is done by looking for the combination of a space and a curly bracket. Once that is found, it is replaced by a ‘newline’ command and the static text ‘Extra: ‘ and a curly bracket to replace the one that was removed by the Find what combination.
In the preview all values are shown on one line, even if the output will be on multiple lines. This is due to display restrictions in the transformations window.