Performs calculations with numbers or dates.
Choose the calculation and the input field(s). If applicable, there is also a choice to set the precision of the output value: from 0 up to 28 decimals.
We will try to convert every value to a number or date, depending on the chosen calculation, but in some cases we won’t be able to do that. That is why we ask you to select the action that we should take if the value in the source does not match our expectations.
- Skip this line – will skip processing of the entire record if an error occurs during conversion. This will not mark the skipped line as a failure. The preview will show skipped lines with strike-through values.
- Set result to 0 (zero) – will set the output value to 0 if we can’t convert the value to a useful value for the purpose.
- Fail this line – will mark the line as failed and it will show up in logs like that. The preview will show failed lines in red.
When a conversion fails, a message in the column Details will expose the reason why it fails.
Adds the values of each of the selected fields.
Calculates the difference from the selected values.
Calculates the product of the selected values.
Calculates the division of the selected values.
Calculates the average of the selected values. It is a sum of the values divided by the number of fields selected.
Minimum & Maximum
Finds the minimum or maximum value for a given number of fields.
To be able to determine the type of value, set the data type to Number, Date or Text.
Rounds the value of one field to the given precision.
0.49 (and lower) is rounded to 0
0.50 (and higher) is rounded to 1
Difference in %
Calculates the difference in percentage from two values. The value from Input field 1 is used as the base value. The value from Input field 2 is used to calculate the percentage from the base value.
Count non zero & Count zero
Returns the number of values that are not zero or that are zero, depending on the selected calculation. Negative values are treated as non zero.
Number of days between dates
Calculates the number of days between two dates.
Number of weeks between dates
Calculates the number of weeks between two dates.
Day / Week / Month of the year
Returns the day, week or month of the year of a date value.