Release 144 (22-01-2025)
New features
- Button in job log messages to open created or updated entities in target system is now available for
- Better visibility of Microsoft account type “Business” or “Personal”.
- Updated phone number in Subscription page.
Bug fixes
- Could not import contacts’ Title field in any language without using a Map list transformation.
- Data preview was still showing lines as skipped when they should no longer be skipped.
- Message “Field is empty” was missing for secondary duplicate check.
- Job would get stuck in Working status if SuperOffice tenant was offline.
Release 143 (25-11-2024)
New features
- Connector for Excel Online to use a single Excel file as the source or destination. Available in preview for selected customers.
- New option to encode exported CSV or XML files in UTF-8 without BOM.
- Connect buttons are now giving the possibility to select a different account than the currently logged in account.
- Truncated job log messages are now visible in a tooltip.
Bug fixes
- Red line in data usage chart showed wrong number of included records for Professional plan.
- Import of document into SuperOffice was not logged if creation of physical file failed.
- Missing mapping for person or project would import project member to a random person or project instead of preventing the import.
- Fixed missing log messages showing criteria used to find duplicates in custom tables.
- Top menu was not rendered in change password page.
Release 142 (05-11-2024)
- Preview grid in the Data page can now be rotated vertically to avoid horizontal scrolling.
- Integrations are now ordered by last update date in the top menu and can be ordered to see the last updated first in the overview.
- New mention “Business” or “Personal” next to email address of Microsoft account.
Bug fixes
- Confirmation to clear Smart Source Control history could be asked even if current changes could not be saved.
- File not found messages indicated the wrong file name when refreshing a file from OneDrive or Sharepoint.
- Ensured integration is moved back to Data step if all target fields are cleared.
- Form errors are no longer displayed while navigating to a previous step.
- Confirmation to leave the page was not showing when changes could not be saved.
Release 141 (01-10-2024)
New features
- Job logs are now filterable by line status, by keyword or by action per entity.
- Summarized actions per entity are now available in job details with link to selection in SuperOffice.
- A link to open each processed entity in SuperOffice is now available in job logs.
- Announcements of upcoming webinars or new features may now be visible in the DataBridge portal.
- File path for document import can now be mapped directly in the Data page rather than the Document tab in the Destination page.
- Field values used for finding duplicates are now displayed in job logs.
- All fields of custom objects to export are now selected by default.
Bug fixes
- Patched minor security vulnerabilities.
- Ensured a default document is created based on a template when importing a document in SuperOffice without a physical file.
- Input fields of Calculate transformation are no longer lost when switching operator.
Release 140 (28-08-2024)
New features
- Email as a source file, available for Professional plan only.
- Companies can be deduplicated using their email addresses.
- Field mappings and transformations are automatically adjusted when columns in source file changed.
- Easier access to transformations in column context menu.
Bug fixes
- Correct entity name is now displayed when searching for a target field.
- Empty lines in Google Sheets were skipped only if “Skip hidden rows” was enabled.
- Selected values were removed when typing in multi-select inputs.
Release 139 (24-07-2024)
New features
- New Calculate transformation.
- New setting Use value ranges in the Map list and Switch fields transformations.
- Instant parameter “FilePath” now works for FTP, OneDrive and SharePoint.
- Percentage of failed lines is now displayed in the job result notification.
Bug fixes
- Canceled subscriptions were displayed as a free subscription
Release 138 (26-06-2024)
New features
- Preparations for reading data from emails.
- New button to process only the first ten lines of a manual job.
- Added support for request type import.
- Adding a new transformation now asks the type of transformation instead of pre-selecting a default one.
- Linked entity IDs can now be used as a duplicate check field for custom tables.
- Refresh button in Data page is less prominent.
- Tooltip on the button to add a new transformation is clearer.
Bug fixes
- Confirmation to leave the page was asked when no changes were made for eMarketeer export integrations.
- Notifications occurring while the Data formats dialog is open were not visible until the dialog was closed.
- Google Drive Connect button could not be used again if connection had been canceled.
- Fixed error that would occur when clicking the reconnection screen background.
Release 137 (06-06-2024)
New features
- Confirmation to leave the page if there are unsaved changes.
- New comparison operators in the “Skip line” transformation.
- Support for EML files as a data source. Only available for customers with a paid subscription plan.
- SuperOffice cust ID is now included in job result notifications.
- Background color of mapping row now matches header to distinguish it from file content.
- Link to the DataBridge knowledge base in the top navigation bar.
- Improved readability of Smart Source Control donut chart numbers.
- Name of file uploaded manually is displayed in a better way.
- Link for more information about the “Trigger webhook” feature is now also visible when the feature is unavailable.
Bug fixes
- Ensured no document is created without a physical file if storage location support document import.
- Option “Continue processing the line” would process only the entities before the document entity.
- Downloaded large log files were truncated.
- Fixed error that occurred when selecting an XML file with a different structure than the previous one.
- Background tasks to synchronize license information were not running every day due to the heavy load caused by other tasks.
Release 136 (07-05-2024)
New features
- More combinations of XML tags are now considered as nested collections of entities.
- Added support for importing new appointment columns Title, Agenda and Internal notes.
- Added support for request message column Badge.
- New button to open in SuperOffice the selection used as the source.
- Migration to .NET 8.
- Custom date format in the Data formats window is now also used as a filter.
Bug fixes
- Identical rows with skipped entities would keep being processed when Smart Source Control was enabled.
- Refreshing a file that was renamed in OneDrive would display the wrong file name in the Source page.
- Fixed importing an existing request with Origin set to Form.
- Fixed timestamps in logs for jobs that imported multiple files.
- Duplicate check used to fail if imported field contained a ‘\’ character.
- Fixed error “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.” when the Visma API was not available.
Release 135 (15-04-2024)
New features
- New “Smart Source Control” feature that allows processing only lines that changed in the source. Only available for customers with a Professional plan.
- New button to easily refresh the data from the source location.
- Integrations that fail too many times are now paused automatically until a notified administrator fixes the issue.
- Custom value entered in the mapping of a “Switch fields” or “Map list” transformation is now distinguishable from standard values.
- Wrong FTP credentials errors are now reported without delay.
- List of jobs table stays on the current page when navigating back and forth between the jobs overview and a job detail.
- Trigger endpoint no longer returns a success response when a disabled integration could not be triggered.
Bug fixes
- Data preview would sometimes jump back to the start of the grid when mapping target fields.
- Buttons that interact with the clipboard did not work in Safari.
- New state of “Skip job if file is missing” was not saved if it was the only changed setting.
- Jobs for deleted SuperOffice tenants used to keep trying to run infinitely.
- Restored usage page for demo and partner accounts.
Release 134 (02-04-2024)
New features
- New user interface with improved navigation and workflow. More info
- New top menu with easy access to latest integrations and knowledge base.
- New menu accessible from any step of the integration with action buttons and jobs statistics.
- Connection settings can be entered as soon as the source and destination are selected.
- File preview is now available as soon as a file is selected.
- Possibility to replace the file of an existing integration with a file of a different format.
- Transformations and field mappings are now configurable in one single step.
- Effect of a transformation is now immediately visible.
- Transformations are now symbolized by icons.
- Made visible dependency relationships between transformations and between columns and transformations.
- New buttons to see only mapped columns or only unmapped columns.
- Columns can now be reordered directly by drag and drop instead of a “Reorder fields” transformation.
- Columns can now be hidden directly via a context menu instead of a “Remove fields” transformation.
- Columns can now be renamed directly via a context menu instead of a “Rename field” transformation.
- Mappings in a “Map list” transformation or “Switch fields” transformation can now be copied from a file and pasted into the form instead of being entered manually.
- Mappings in a “Map list” transformation or “Switch fields” transformation are now sortable and filterable.
- Split formatting settings for source and destination to make conversion of dates and decimal numbers from a system to another possible.
- Format of export file can now be changed for existing integrations in Destination page.
- New buttons to copy trigger and instant job URLs to the clipboard.
- Summary page was reorganized and has edit buttons to open the page where settings can be changed and a button to start a job.
- A preview of the file selected for a manual job is now visible before starting the job.
- Current running job status is refreshed automatically everywhere it is visible.
- Warning notification is displayed in portal when it will be soon offline for maintenance.
- Dropbox Business is now supported.
- Column created by a transformation is now added next to the original column instead of the last column.
- Integration name can be changed even if some settings in the Details page are invalid.
- Source and destination can be changed until all connection settings are valid.
- Coming back to the Details page after using a Connect button no longer clears the other connection settings form.
- SuperOffice fields to export are now selectable from a searchable tree view with checkboxes instead of a multi-select control.
- A subset of the available fields to export are pre-selected when a SuperOffice selection is picked.
- Warning message when changes in a step break another step.
- Ensured Connect buttons were successfully used before letting user navigate to next step.
- List of source and destination locations are now sorted alphabetically and their type is distinguishable by an icon.
- Deleted integrations are now deleted permanently, immediately after confirmation.
- Importing an integration is simplified and requires less clicks.
- Converted “Static columns” setting into “Static field” transformations.
- Preview and valid column mappings are now visible even when some invalid column mappings are found.
- Deleting a transformation is now allowed even if other transformations depend on it.
- Settings in Destination page are now grouped by entity in separate tabs.
- Option to delete the source file is now automatically enabled when source file name contains a wildcard.
- Clearer error message when associates try to log in when they have no e-mail address configured in SuperOffice.
- Clearer error message when importing an integration for an unavailable connector.
- Consents are now immediately saved when toggling them on and off.
- Inaccessible and irrelevant pages are no longer available in menus.
- Sorting order for the list of jobs is preserved across navigation.
- Log file is now displayed immediately when opening the job details page.
- Replaced lines usage per profile with overall lines usage for clarity.
Bug fixes
- access token stopped being renewed automatically after 180 days.
- Preview was not properly refreshed when picking a new SuperOffice selection of a different type.
- Multiple users with the same email address used to be able to sign up, when it should have been possible only for different tenants.
- File size for a manual upload is now limited to 10 MB.
- Fixed export of an integration that used to reference a deleted custom table.
- Fixed impossibility to use a # symbol in a “Switch fields” transformation.
- Reminder to give mandatory consents would sometimes be displayed when no longer needed.
- Fixed import of invoices into
- Integrations with a very long name could not be copied.
- Fixed error ‘String ” was not recognized as a valid DateTime.’ for update of extra date field with option “Merge – Update empty fields”.
- In a rare case scenario, a job would hang and cause other jobs to abort when a SuperOffice authorization token expired at a very specific time.
- No email notification used to be sent when a job exporting to a database completed.
Release 133 (15-11-2023)
- Preparation for new subscription plans.
- Changed Google Drive scopes in compliance with new Google security policy.
Bug fixes
- Exporting a SuperOffice selection of more than 1,000 quote lines could cause duplicates if the criteria included an OR operator.
- Recent job logs were sometimes mistakenly deleted.
- Upgraded third party components with vulnerabilities to patched versions.
Release 132 (15-08-2023)
New feature
- Documents can now be imported when stored on OneDrive or Sharepoint.
Bug fix
- Fixed importing document metadata without importing a file.
Release 131 (04-07-2023)
- Number of files retrieved from an FTP server using a wildcard is now limited to 100.
- Fetching many files from an FTP server is now interrupted when aborting the job using a wildcard in the file name.
- Scheduled jobs only include weekdays by default.
Bug fixes
- Log files of some jobs used to be mistakenly deleted automatically.
- License purchased via SuperOffice was not immediately active.
- Fixed exporting data with non-printable characters to an XML file.
Release 130 (07-06-2023)
- New authentication with better security standards.
- Change of SuperOffice tenant domain is now handled automatically.
- Preparation for new subscription plans.
Bug fix
- Export jobs and some imported lines used to fail when SuperOffice tenant was offline. Jobs are now stopped and resumed when tenant is online again.
Release 129 (15-09-2022)
New features
- Source files can now be imported from a Sharepoint library.
- Exported files can now be sent to a Sharepoint library.
OneDrive credentials must be entered again for all profiles that use OneDrive.
Bug fix
- Fixed error that occurred when overwriting an existing database row with a column set to NULL.
Release 128 (04-08-2022)
New feature
- Profiles can now be given a description to detail their purpose.
- Deduplication on custom tables now takes into account foreign keys to standard tables.
- Improved handling of errors coming from the API.
Bug fixes
- Transformation could not be applied if column content was null in the source database.
- Instant job statistics used to be copied over to a cloned profile.
- Some numbers coming from a Google Sheets file were not converted properly.
Release 127 (14-07-2022)
New features
- Data from SuperOffice or can now be exported to a Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft Azure SQL database. Available in preview for selected customers.
- Name of the file selected in OneDrive can now be partially replaced with a wildcard to process multiple files or files with a nonfixed name.
- File imported from OneDrive can now be deleted after it was successfully processed.
- Transformation “Skip by date” is now also available when importing data from Google Sheets.
Bug fix
- Fixed error message when the file path on an SFTP server is wrong.
Release 126.2 (29-06-2022)
Bug fix
- Exporting manual fields of type Datetime from SuperOffice to file will now use the date format configured in the “Destination Settings”.
Release 126.1 (24-06-2022)
Bug fix
- Error occurred while importing SuperOffice consents to EMarketeer has been fixed now.
Release 126 (22-06-2022)
New features
- New version of the Replace transformation that can find and replace all occurrences of a (special) character, word or phrase in a cell.
- Comparison operators added to the Skip transformation in order to skip rows that partially match a specified value.
- Phone of type “other” can now be imported into a person card.
- Users can now stay logged in for more than one hour.
Release 125 (07-06-2022)
New features
- Importing documents into SuperOffice is now generally available.
- Both the beginning and the end of log files are now directly visible in the job details page instead of just the beginning.
Bug fixes
- Large files exported to OneDrive could get corrupted.
- Added retry mechanism to improve SFTP calls resiliency.
Release 124.2 (07-04-2022)
Bug fix
- Fixed jobs stuck in working status when exporting to an FTP server.
Release 124.1 (06-04-2022)
Bug fix
- Special characters were not displayed properly with encoding option “ANSI”.
Release 124 (1-04-2022)
New features
- New transformation “Skip by date” to import only the rows that changed since the last run.
- Exported file format and source file format can now be changed when importing the profile.
- Migration of the portal and background services to .NET 6. New IP address to whitelist:
- Empty rows in Excel files are now automatically skipped.
Bug fixes
- Ensured existing file on SFTP server is cleared before exporting new version of the file.
- Fixed export of interests for onsite versions lower than 8.5.
- Removed call to get user-defined lists which failed for some onsite installations.
Release 123 (11-03-2022)
New features
- Added support for importing localized user-defined list items in Settings and Maintenance. Available in preview for selected customers.
- Appointments can now be imported with a resource assigned as the owner.
Bug fixes
- Duplicate entities were created if the field checked for deduplication contained a “/” character.
- HTML content was not escaped in some of the previews.
Release 122 (17-02-2022)
New features
- Added support for importing localized company categories and company businesses in Settings and Maintenance. Available in preview for selected customers.
- Added support for exporting a person’s academic title.
Bug fixes
- Fixed export of a company’s email address in instant jobs.
- Fixed error “Some of the settings in the profile have invalid data.”
- Some errors and inconsistencies were caused by the same job running twice simultaneously.
- Webhooks were not triggered if the source file was missing.
- Emails stayed in the Processing folder if an error occurred before the emails to process were fetched.
- Fixed error message “not-found” displayed on the Subscription page when the coupon had expired.
- Fixed downloading files from SFTP servers with a one-time download policy.
Release 121 (27-01-2022)
New features
- Source files sent by email as a zip archive can now be password protected.
- New option in “Append text value” transformation to append or prepend a value only to fields that are not empty.
- Technical migration from SuperOffice WCF services to Web API in order to improve performance and reliability. SuperOffice Onsite versions lower than 8.4 R08 are no longer supported.
- Last job date and status for each profile is now displayed in the profile overview page.
- Added an error message in the logs in case the imported document could not be deleted from the FTP server.
- Added an indication that a profile is disabled in the job overview page.
Bug fixes
- Webhook was not triggered if no selections were created during the job.
- New contacts were created with the default consent legal base selected in SuperOffice instead of the one selected in DataBridge.
- Cloning a profile used to incorrectly copy some dynamic information that belonged only to the original profile such as the last time it ran.
- Amount of an invoice used to be left unchanged in Visma when the quantity of a line was updated.
- Searching for a new field to export did not work after picking a different SuperOffice selection.
Release 120 (26-11-2021)
New features
- New folder picker to choose the folder to export files to for Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox.
- Documents can now be automatically deleted from the FTP server after they have successfully been imported into SuperOffice.
- Job failure notification is now enabled by default.
Bug fixes
- Deleted user-defined field is now automatically removed from export.
- File type used to be checked too late when importing from an email inbox or an FTP server.
Release 119 (04-11-2021)
New features
- A webhook can be triggered after a job completes to call any endpoint with information about the job result as query parameters.
- New “Reorder fields” transformation to change the order in which the fields will be rendered in the exported file or displayed in the Configure fields page.
- Invoices can now be directly downloaded from DataBridge.
- Text files can now be exported with either a .txt or .csv extension.
- Error message is more explicit when trying to import a project member with an invalid project ID or person ID.
- Error message is more explicit when trying to import a stakeholder with an invalid sale ID, company ID or person ID.
- Enabling time zones in SuperOffice is no longer a prerequisite.
Bug fixes
- Fixed import from FTP when the file is not considered a regular file.
- Fixed import from FTP when the file path starts with a backslash.
- Jobs are no longer stuck with the Working status when the import file fails to be fetched from the FTP server.
Release 118 (14-10-2021)
New features
- File name on an FTP server can now be specified with a wildcard to process multiple files or files with a nonfixed name.
- Number of processed rows per month is now visible in Subscription > Data usage. More information
Bug fixes
- Fixed Map list transformation that could not fetch the values from a source field deleted by a Remove fields transformation.
- Faulty connection settings can now be fixed by support.
- Default document template set in Destination settings was not taken into account.
- File preview used to fail for password-protected Excel files.
Release 117 (05-10-2021)
New features
- Subscription plans are simplified and invoices are now based on usage (number of processed rows). More information
- DataBridge licenses can now be purchased and invoiced via SuperOffice.
- All distinct values from the source field are now automatically loaded in the Map list and Switch fields transformations.
- A preview of the transformed columns is now available directly in the transformation window. More information
- Jobs are now postponed or interrupted and restarted later if SuperOffice is offline for maintenance.
- Added a link to the help page for creating regexes in the Find pattern transformation. More information
- Impersonation automatically starts for support users when opening a link to view a profile or a job.
Bug fixes
- attributes used as duplicate check fields did not always work due to a bug in the Visma API.
- Creation of a new user used to fail in some cases.
Release 116.1 (20-08-2021)
Bug fix
- Instant jobs and profile’s configure source preview failed while exporting specific columns from SuperOffice (e.g. SALE-STAGE).
Release 116 (12-08-2021)
New features
- Users of SuperOffice Online can now use the same email address to create multiple accounts for different tenants. SuperOffice Online users are now able to sign up with a tenant even if they already have a DataBridge user account for another tenant with the same email address. To do so, the username is now different from the email address. To make sure the username is unique, the username is the email address with the cust ID added as an email subaddress.
- Users with admin rights in SuperOffice no longer need to be added as admin users by the account manager to be able to log in. Note: This only applies to SuperOffice online tenants. For onsite SuperOffice this article still applies
- Users without a DataBridge account can now open the link to view the job details when they receive a job notification.
- Stakeholder companies can now be imported without a person.
- Added list “Associate” in Map list transformation.
- Source files can now be retrieved from a nested folder in a zip attachment. More info
- Jobs can be triggered every 5 minutes instead of every 15 minutes. More info
Bug fixes
- Fixed updating the company relation to a custom table.
- Email attachments retrieved via IMAP failed to be imported as documents since release 115.
- Coupon entered in the subscription page was not sent to the billing system since release 114.
- Prevented jobs of the same profile from running in parallel to avoid creating duplicate entities and saving entities in the wrong selection.
- List “General – Resource” in Map list transformation used to show associates instead of resources.
Release 115 (22-07-2021)
New features
- All emails that match the search criteria are now processed when a job runs instead of only the oldest one.
- Imported requests can now be saved in a SuperOffice selection.
- A default owner, category and status can now be set for new requests.
- New drop-down menu “Manage Profile” in profile configuration pages for easier navigation.
- Added a link in page “Configure source” to directly open the source file in OneDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive.
- Google Drive folders are now visible in the file picker.
- Actions to perform after completing a job are now described more accurately for source files sent by email.
- Message for a missing field in a CSV file gives more explanations about the cause of the problem.
Bug fixes
- Users with insufficient privileges were redirected to the wrong error page.
- Uploading the source file before setting up the SuperOffice or connection used to require uploading the file a second time.
- Two different selections of imported entities used to be created when a job was momentarily interrupted.
Release 114 (02-07-2021)
New features
- Documents to import into SuperOffice can be sent as email attachments. Available in preview for selected customers. More info
- Source files can now be sent by email as a zip archive file.
- Service requests can now be imported with a nested category.
- Merge fields transformation supports tabs and new line characters as a delimiter. More info
- Append text value transformation supports prefixing and suffixing tabs and new line characters. More info
- Email address of the, OneDrive, Microsoft 365, Google Sheets or Google Drive account that is used to set up the profile is now displayed in the configuration pages.
- Job duration in the overview is now displayed in days, hours, minutes and seconds instead of the total number of seconds.
- Technical upgrade of third-party payment component.
Bug fixes
- Fixed eMarketeer conflicting API calls that created a deadlock.
- Requests import used to fail without explanation for restricted-access categories.
- Profiles exported before release 113 can now be imported again without error.
- Profiles with a faulty setting can now be opened to fix the setting, as well as copied or exported.
- connection button used to be displayed as “Connected” even when the authentication token was revoked.
- Duration displayed in job detail used to be incorrect if it was longer than one day.
Release 113 (20-05-2021)
New features
- Transformations can now be chained together so the field created by a transformation can be further transformed. more info
- Added support for importing into custom fields of companies, contacts, requests and request messages. more info
- Sending the source files to an email inbox is now generally available. more info
- Import into custom tables is now generally available.
- All the transformations result in a new field to be able to reuse the untransformed value in multiple transformations.
- Aligned the style of the forgotten password page with the rest of the portal.
- Errors when importing data from Visma are now easier to understand and fix.
Bug fixes
- Transformation notes were not copied and imported. more info
- Job used to fail if the CSV file did not contain any data to import.
- Profile configuration with an empty source is now explicitly prevented instead of failing with unexpected errors.
Release 112 (30-04-2021)
New features
- Source files can now be sent by email to any IMAP-enabled inbox. Available in preview for selected customers. More info
- New transformation (Find Pattern) to extract from a field data with the specified pattern. More info
- Notes can be added to transformations to make their purpose clear. More info
- The table to map target fields to source fields can now be rotated vertically to avoid horizontal scrolling. More info
- The first few rows of an Excel file can now be skipped if they are not part of the data set. This can be done in the Advanced settings of the Configure Source page.
- Errors related to transformations are now easier to identify and fix.
- The job’s file name is now displayed as the full email attachment file name instead of the name with wildcards.
- Job result notification recipients can now see the other recipients of the same email.
- Technical upgrade of third-party components.
Bug fixes
- The file path set in the instant job parameter FTPFilePath is now displayed in the job notification instead of the default file path.
- Fixed the error that occurred when no job notification recipient was set.
Release 111 (08-04-2021)
New features
- Source files can now be sent by email to an Outlook inbox. Available in preview for selected customers. More info
- New “Switch fields” transformation to configure which field to import the value from depending on the value of another field. More info
- Added live chat support.
- Exporting data from SuperOffice without selecting any fields has been completely removed to improve overall performance. More info
- Dropbox connection is now based on refresh tokens rather than long-lived tokens for better security. Before 30-09-2021 all customers who use Dropbox need to go to Configure profile > Dropbox > Authorization and click the “Connected” button to make sure the jobs will keep running successfully after the deadline.
- New possibility to import entities related to the company that owns the SuperOffice license.
- Job logs now indicates if the entity to update was found using the secondary duplicate match setting.
- Changed email service provider to avoid blacklisting.
- Country dependencies are now included in the list of countries in the sign up page.
Bug fixes
- New list items were not added if the new item was a number.
- Importing a person or a company if the interest column in the source file was empty used to fail.
- Jobs that fail due to a deleted profile or unavailability of SuperOffice no longer log error message “Object reference not set to an instance of an object.”
Release 110 (17-03-2021)
New features
- Sending the file resulting from an export by email is now generally available. Email the results of an export
- Quote import in SuperOffice is now generally available.
- Technical upgrade of third-party components.
Bug fixes
- Job no longer fails when it generates a lot of logs over a short time span.
- Sale amount is now correctly updated when a discount is set on a quote alternative or a quote line.
- Profiles are exported again as .ndb files instead of .zip files in Firefox.
Release 109 (20-01-2021)
New feature
- New column “Person entity is main contact” to set the main contact of a company in SuperOffice.
- Exporting data from SuperOffice without selecting any fields is now deprecated. This possibility will be removed after 31-03-2021 to improve overall performance. more info
Bug fixes
- Multiple quote alternatives with the default name were created when duplicate action was set to merge.
- Confirmation page for account termination could not be opened, account termination was impossible
Release 108 (05-01-2021)
New feature
- File resulting from an export can now be received by email. Available in preview for selected customers, more info
- Reduced the waiting time before a job starts
- Added error details in the source preview
Bug fixes
- Import of new persons failed when option “Skip associate update without error” was enabled
- Transformations settings were not copied when cloning a profile
- Import of a profile failed if it was based on a SuperOffice selection from another tenant