This use case describes the import of sales including quotes, quote alternatives, quote lines, products and -if required- price lists into SuperOffice from a file.
It is intended for SuperOffice administrators that are familiar with SuperOffice Quote and its configuration. And remember that all SuperOffice objects can be imported in one import profile if the data for all objects is in one record in the source (file). We’ll be using that a lot in this use case.
For convenience, the integration that is created in this use case, can be downloaded from this knowledge base and imported in DataBridge. For security reasons it is downloaded as a ZIP file that includes the NDB file.
Step 1 – the logic
Based on the demands, we set the following business rules:
- We create new sales and update existing sales based on the Sale Number we get from the source.
- We link the sales to the company based on the Company Number we get from the source and which matches the company numbers in SuperOffice.
- The sale type that we import has set its defaults to allow alternatives.
- Every alternative has a unique name in the source, this is what we’ll use to check if an alternative already exists in a quote version.
- Every quote line that is imported needs to have a corresponding product. That is why we will create a product if a product is not found in the price list that we get from the source.
- The pricelist will be checked for duplicates against its name. We assume that the name is unique.
To keep things simple, we don’t care about sale status, quote status/version and validity of price lists.
Step 2 – the file
Our source platform can deliver us an Excel document once per day. We’ll use the latest version of that file to set up the profile. This is what it looks like.

It contains information about
- the company (column A, B)
- the sale (column C, D)
- the quote (version) (column E)
- the quote alternative (column F)
- the quote line (column H, I, J, K, L)
- the product (column H, J, K)
- the price list (column M, N)
Step 3 – configure the integration
Create a new integration with the file as source and SuperOffice as destination.
In the Source page, select the file and set all options so the preview shows all details.
Proceed to the Data page.
Create a transformation of type Current Date Time and name it SaleDate. We’ll use this to set a current date to the sale that will be created.

In the Data page, make sure you have the mapping as shown.

The field mappings that probably raise eyebrows are the ones that point to a Product object in SuperOffice instead of to a Quote Line. The sole reason for this is that DataBridge automatically ‘associates’ the Product object with the Quote Line object. If we would link the fields that are now mapped to Product to Quote Line, the product would not be created or updated.
Proceed to the Destination page. This is where we configure how new objects are created.
For company and sale we keep it simple and set both to merge (or update empty fields).
For the price list and product objects, we do the same. Price lists are matched on the name and product on the product code.
For quotes, quote alternatives and quote lines we configure so that an editable quote is updated with new details from the source and a new version is created only if the current quote version is not editable any longer.
For alternatives we match on its name, which is in the source file.
For quote lines we only have the option to do a duplicate match on the product and quantity combination. However, this is only checked for within the alternative.
Your settings should look like this.

To keep things simple, we don’t use all fields in this example. The main purpose is to explain and show the general idea and possibilities. We left out details like sale stage and more product details on purpose. Edit the source file and profile to your needs.
Step 4 – test the profile
Let’s try to run the integration and see what the result is in SuperOffice. We can start a job from the integration and select the Excel document as the source file.
The job will show a total of 6 lines processed. The number of items created should be 13 and the number of items updated should be 18. Created would be:
- 1 company
- 1 sale
- 1 quote, including version and alternatives
- 6 quote lines
- 1 price list
- 3 products
When we open SuperOffice we see that our new sale is linked to the company and shows all details.

SuperOffice products are added and price list is created.

Tip: process only a few lines of the source is a safe way to test the integration.