A request (aka ticket) usually holds at least one message. Every message that is shown in a request is a linked entity to the Request. That entity is named Request Message. When importing a Request with one message, this would be one row in the source file. When the Request that is imported has two messages, the source file holds two rows. Et cetera.
In the example that we use in this article, an source file shows the company number and name and the details from the requests that need to be imported.

The first request that is shown, has three messages and therefore there are three rows with the same company details and main request details in the source file. The last two requests are two separate requests but for the same company.
Create a new integration with the file as source and SuperOffice as destination.
In the Source page, select the file and set all options so the preview shows all details.
Proceed to the Data page.
Since we have at least one request with multiple messages, we need to use a unique value to link the messages to the linked request. Requests don’t have an out-of-the-box field where we can store a unique value to set for de-duplication. That is why we’ll use the Request’s Title field for that. We fill it with a combination of the unique request number and title. This merged together will certainly give a unique value.
Add a transformation of the type Merge Fields. Select Request Number and Title and type a ‘-‘ (hyphen) as delimiter. Name the new field ‘Unique title‘. Save the transformation.

The second transformation we will add is a static value to indicate that the messages contain HTML. If we don’t indicate that HTML is included in the body text, then DataBridge will ‘convert’ it to plain text and show the HTML tags instead of the HTML formatted content.
Add a transformation of type Static Field. Name it IsHTML and enter ‘1’ as a value. The value ‘1’ is interpreted as ‘TRUE’ or ‘YES’. Save the transformation.

Map the fields to the corresponding SuperOffice fields.

Proceed to the Destination page.
Select the Company tab and set the Duplicate match to Number.
Select the Request tab and set the Duplicate match tot Title.

Finish the integration and run it.
Currently, SuperOffice does not support setting the badge type to messages. The badge type sets the values like Incoming, Outgoing, Reply, Forward on request messages. All imported messages will be of type Incoming.
Tip: process only a few lines of the source is a safe way to test the integration.