Importing Project Member is slightly different than the other SuperOffice entities. This is because strictly speaking it is not a real entity. It is a link between Project and Person.
When you have a Project and a Person in one line in the import file, you can make this person a project member. To do so you have to at least link one field of the Project member fields. But what if you don’t have such a value in your source to link any of the Project member fields to?
The -Helper- field comes in handy here. If the source does not have the Comment or the Function field then use any field -which might be added via a Static Field transformation– and map that to field to
-Helper-. This field has no function except to tell DataBridge: this is a project member.
Example with a project member field in the source
Let’s look at an example where the source does contain details about the project member. In this case the Project Member Function is in the source file.

The field mapping would look like the example below.
Example without a project member field in the source
Now, let’s take an example file that does not have any specific project member details.

In this case, a transformation that adds a field without a value is used to create a ‘dummy column’ so the -Helper- field can be mapped.

The helper mapping makes sure there is a link between the project and the person and will create a project member.
Project members can never be duplicated. This means that a single person can’t be in the list of project members of the same project more than once. Such options can also not be found in the deduplication settings in DataBridge.

Tip: process only a few lines of the source is a safe way to test the integration.