To create user defined tables a Developer Tools license is required.
Create extra tables -aka user defined tables or service tables- to store additional data. The tables can store information about all kinds of objects. These objects can be completely separated from a SuperOffice object. However, there is also an option to link the new information to an existing SuperOffice object, like a company or sale.
A few examples will make things more clear for those who have no clue.
Imagine you have a company that leases cars. Create an extra table to store vehicle information linked to the contact card.
Or maybe you own a software company that registers license information with each company. The extra table you create can keep track of such licenses while they are conveniently visible with the SuperOffice company card.
For such additional information, you have the option to enter and edit it manually in SuperOffice. Ask a consultant to create the proper screens, and you are good to go or read the documentation on how to create user defined tables and create the views.
Let’s look at an example where we create an extra table to store equipment linked to the company object.
Step 1 – the table
Create a table with name Equipment

And add the following fields:
- Company – Company relation
- Product – Text (short)
- Type – Text (short)
- Version – Integer
- Start date – Date
- End date – Date
- Sold by – User relation
- Identifier – Text (short)
The fields Company and Sold by are references to the Company object and the User object. DataBridge will take care of the relations when importing to this new table.

Step 2 – the source file
The source file contains both details of the customer and the equipment.

The last column Sold by contains user ID’s that represent users in the SuperOffice user list. Edit them according to your SuperOffice user list or use a map list transformation to map the values in the file to users in the user list.
Step 3 – the integration
Create a new integration with the file as source and SuperOffice as destination.
In the Source page, select the file and set all options so the preview shows all details.
Proceed to the Data page.
Create a transformation of type Merge Fields and name it UniqueCombination. We’ll use this to create a unique value per customer and equipment record. For this example we assume that the combination of Customer Number + Product + Start Date is unique.

In the Data page, make sure you have the mapping as shown.

DataBridge will take care of linking the equipment details to the correct company by mapping the Customer number field to the Company – Number field. This is because of the Company Relation type field that we added to the table.
Proceed to the Destination page. This is where we configure how new objects are created.
For company we keep it simple and set the Duplicate match to Number.
For equipment we set the Duplicate match to Identifier. Your settings should look like this.

Step 4 – test the profile
Let’s try to run the integration and see what the result is in SuperOffice. We can start a job from the integration and select the Excel document as the source file.
If you did not create a webpanel to view the equipment within a customer card, there is a quick way to check if the import succeeded. This is done via System Design > Screens > Equipment > Show Screen and then Actions > Show Preview.

Tip: process only a few lines of the source is a safe way to test the integration.