This page is specifically for export from SuperOffice.

Click on the Advanced Settings link to view more options.
Language code
The language determines the language that DataBridge uses for (list)items that have multiple translations, like the example of an item from a SuperOffice list that is translated in English, German and Dutch.

If the selected language code is not found in the list, the unparsed value is exported.
Manual fields
Almost all SuperOffice fields can be selected using the standard field selection. The fields are limited though to the ones that are generally used. However, in some cases there is a need for some real specific data. For such cases the manual fields features allows to add the technical field names so these fields will be added to the source field selection.
The API documentation tells how these technical field names are formatted:
Contact information, Sale information, Project information, Appointment information
A few examples are:
Self inflicted changes
Switch this feature on to avoid that data is exported that was last updated by DataBridge. This is useful when there is a two-way import and export between SuperOffice and a file, database or platform. Once a record that is changed in the database is processed by SuperOffice, the updated date changes and the updated user changes. To avoid that SuperOffice exports this record again to update it in the database, DataBridge will check the updated user and decide that the record is not exported. This feature prevents a circular import.
New and changed only
Switch this feature on to only retrieve records that were created or updated after the last successful job.
Switch this feature off to always retrieve all records that are in the results of the selection.
The very first job run will include all the records.
Use this feature in combination with a database as the destination to keep the data updated without exporting the full data set every job to a file.